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 ~ Virtual AIR Series ~ 

Incorporating the reflective pause

in the time of pandemic

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Source: Steelman, et al, 2008.


© Keiko Honda

"The journey never ends." ~ Jose Saramago



We are living in an extraordinary time. As this pandemic is taking a heavy toll on the whole world, we must not lose hope and apply what we've been learning to the future. Slow down the clock and learn to live sustainably. 


There is no substitute for the spontaneity and inspiration generated by presenting and discussing your work—and that of others—in real time and physical space, as the AIR series enabled with its fluid and unstructured environment, as well as yummy potluck. However, we still can virtually make time with other humans or in the company of others to develop our own creative work. This is how we can continue to develop our creativity. 


Here, the focus is on continuous making and experimenting. We can still meet virtually on a regular basis to make things, or present and talk about each others' in-progress works and explore together what it means to weave a creative community. We hope to create transformative trans-disciplinary spaces for respectful interactions, for diverse individuals to reflect and express in any form or shape. 


Time to make our observation, wonder, and questioning visible, and then share. 


You are invited to devote serious time and energy to interact with a chosen artwork and to create your own piece(s) in response to the work of art, in any shape or form. It is meant to build visual language and muscle memory, and spark invention and improvisation. The goal is to "stay in the game", or be "an infinite player," as Simon Sinek wrote in his new book, The Infinite Game.  


Specifically, you will: 


  1.  Observe a chosen work of art together and discuss our observations

  2.  Make trans-disciplinary responses to a chosen work of art - create independently 

  3.  Reconvene, share reflections, and present your in-progress art.  

  4.  Share the new artworks when finished. Upload an image to the gallery, ViAG (Virtual Vancouver Art Gallery).

  5.  Repeat the cycle



Things you need to prepare in advance:


  • You will need art materials: paint, pens, crayons, paper, etc or music instruments. 

  • A sketchbook or notebook is handy for taking notes.

  • A digital camera or smartphones is also needed to record your experiments.

The Reflective Pause for Artists



Apr18, Apr25, May 2

Saturdays, 7pm - 8:30pm


Structure enables creativity. Inspired by the social network of the creatives, we will form a small league of artists who can meet regularly to make things, or present and talk about each others' in-progress work together, facilitating the metacognitive process related to current thinking and behaviors.


As an experiment, we will watch various short videos or artworks selected from Time Through MOMA  and share our ideas and reflection. We will explore how it is relevant to your work and what's happening right now. And, then finally, try create one new artwork reflecting your process or observation (submission due May 2). 


To embed new ways of working, change behaviours and establish a creative environment, structures are an absolute necessity.  


What keeps you motivated, what’s giving you hope and/or to what legacy do you attribute your work and your efforts?

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AIR No.155

Saturday, April 18, 7pm - 8:30pm


What is the gentlest thing you have ever encountered during COVID-19?

Schedule & ZOOM Links


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AIR No.156

Saturday, April 25, 7pm - 8:30pm


What is the bravest thing you have ever encountered during COVID-19?

Schedule & ZOOM Links

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AIR No.157

Saturday, May 2, 7pm - 8:30pm


What is the most surprising thing you have ever encountered during COVID-19?

Schedule & ZOOM Links

Open Calls for Art Submissions

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VACS's Vancouver Virtual Art Gallery (ViAG) invites Vancouver residents to submit artworks to the ViAG Open Call. This virtual exhibition will focus on reflective pause, é–“(Ma), felt experiences and self-care in the time of COVID-19. We want to know how you have been thinking, feeling, and taking care of yourself during this time of physical isolation. In what ways are you caring for your inner space, home, and wonder and/or those of others around you?

Artistic submissions should directly reflect personal responses to the current COVID-19 pandemic through narratives, experiences, perspectives, stories and feelings that address the times. 

Artworks may be submitted in any medium including; visual arts, writings, spoken word, music, dance, mixed media, sculpture, installation and performance. Sculptures and installations may be submitted in the form of photography, while performance art should be submitted in the form of video. 

Calls for Artists


VACS currently manages once a month presentation spots, encouraging artists to think outside the box and engage audiences in exhilarating ways. Through our Presentation Program we give performers, visual artists and curators the opportunity to present their work in unique, intimate and yet highly visible venues at VACS presentation spaces including outdoor space. Spaces made available at no cost to artists, who work in a variety of mediums including dance, music, theatre, performance art, fine art and multi-disciplinary fields. VACS provides logistical and promotional support, as well as small stipends to selected performers, curators and artists to cover production costs. Presentations range between 1-3 hour and VACS programs our presentation venues continually throughout the year.






















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